Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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vaso vagal symptoms



I was just diagnosed with vaso vagal syndrome. I am not sure if this is really what is happening with me and am concerned that there really isn't much being done for me. My symptoms have progressively gotten worse and seem to be the worst when I am at work. I am a music teacher. At first I was having extreme heart racing and black out problems. When I was sitting my pulse would be around 70-80 and as soon as I would stand skyrocket to 110-150. I had a heart monitor after and ER visit that didn't do anything other than confirm what I felt. After about 2 weeks of dealing with black outs and such I began having stuttering problems, incoherant sentences, and headaches. I thought that I had a stroke or brain tumor. I had an MRI of the brain done that was of course normal. Soon after I began having seizure like activity with rapid eye blinking, non-responsive or stuttering, hard to breathe and hand cramping. After and EEG that was of course normal for that time I was diagnosed with vaso-vagal syndrome in which I can't find any helpful information on. My job is difficult to do when I have these "seizures" out of nowhere and can't predict them. The school has put me on medical leave since it is obviously an extreme burden on my staff when I have an episode in the middle of the day without a sub to cover my spot. I am out of sick leave and in need of money, but terrified to go back as that is when they happen most frequently and intensly.

This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007